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Supply & Demand Estimates

Title Size
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | March 2024 812.14 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | January 2024 776.80 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | December 2023 775.30 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | November 2023 775.77 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates October 2023 779.72 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates – September 2023 894.41 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | August 2023 780.93 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates July 787.31 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | June 2023 786.79 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | May 2023 785.80 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | April 2023 800.75 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | March 2023 832.16 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | February 2023 831.64 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | January 2023 781.21 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | December 2022 782.16 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | November 2022 715.46 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates October 2022 Report 787.94 KB
South African Supply and Demand Estimates September 2022 Report 717.70 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | August 2022 784.12 KB
South African Supply and Demand Estimates. 29 July 2022 778.10 KB
South African Supply Demand Estimates. 30 June 2022 710.44 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates 31 MAY 2022 430.91 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | 29 April 2022 799.49 KB
South African Supply Demand Estimates _30 March 2022 829.63 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | 01 March 2022 830.61 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | 31 January 2022 785.94 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates December 2021- January 2022. 424.94 KB
South African Grains and Oilseeds Markets: Publication Dates for 2022 151.43 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | 30 November 2021 463.94 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | 29 October 2021 814.10 KB
NAMC SASDE September 2021 report 1.19 MB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | 31 August 2021 1.19 MB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | 30 July 2021 459.52 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | June 2021 801.04 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | 31 May 2021 808.39 KB
South African Supply & Demand Estimates | April 2021 441.19 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates | 30 March 2021 1.20 MB
Supply & Demand Estimates | 03 March 2021 1.24 MB
Supply & Demand Estimates | 29 January 2021 1.11 MB
Supply & Demand Estimates | 12 January 2021 745.93 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates | 30 Nov 2020 752.11 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates: 30 October 2020 750.69 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates: 02 October 2020 750.41 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates: 31 August 2020 752.77 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates: 31 July 2020 743.67 KB
SASDE Report 29 June 2020 438.85 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates: 29 May 2020 810.53 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates: 04 May 2020 818.72 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates: 26 March 2020 421.67 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates: 02 March 2020 817.39 KB
Definition for selected items of the SASDE report 136.03 KB
South Africa’s Supply and Demand Estimate 31 Jan 2020 452.86 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates 14 January 2020 492.65 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates 29 November 2019 714.68 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates 28 October 2019 509.36 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 30 September 2019 828.04 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 30 August 2019 825.11 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 29 July 2019 823.98 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 28 June 2019 823.66 KB
SASDE Report 31 May 2019 818.09 KB
South African Supply and Demand Estimates 03 May 2019 833.85 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 29 March 2019 649.04 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 01 March 2019 842.33 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 01 February 2019 830.47 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 14 January 2019 265.64 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 30 November 2018 254.10 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 30 October 2018 500.24 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 01 October 2018 715.80 KB
Supply and Demand Estimates: 31 August 2018 789.88 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 31 July 2018 409.10 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 29 June 2018 474.67 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 04 June 2018 786.76 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 02 May 2018 802.98 KB
Supply & Demands Estimates: 05 April 2018 537.97 KB
Functioning of South African Supply & Demand Estimates Committee 392.33 KB
Definitions for selected items of the SASDE Report 28.11 KB
2017 Publication dates(1) 357.61 KB
SASDE Report 01 Sept 2017 777.33 KB
SASDE Report 28 Jul 2017 766.05 KB
SASDE Report 30 June 2017 775.94 KB
SASDE Report 31 May 2017 779.08 KB
SASDE Report 02 May 2017 707.97 KB
SASDE Report 31 Mch 2017 703.30 KB
SASDE Report 03 Mch 2017 720.08 KB
SASDE Report 13 Feb 2017 – Revised Jan 2017 683.44 KB
SASDE Report 31 Jan 2017 681.37 KB
SASDE Report 11 Jan 2017 680.49 KB
SASDE Report 29 Nov 2016 685.48 KB
SASDE Report 28 Oct 2016 (revised) 627.91 KB
SASDE Report 30 Sep 2016 631.81 KB
SASDE Report 30 Aug 2016 635.29 KB
SASDE Report 29 Jul 2016 626.70 KB
SASDE Report 01 Jul 2016 final 1.35 MB
SASDE Report 31 May 2016 621.67 KB
SASDE Report 04 May 2016 642.35 KB
SASDE Report 01 Apr 2016 608.07 KB
SASDE Report 29 Feb 2016 649.58 KB
SASDE Report 29 Jan 2016 645.96 KB
SASDE Report 12 Jan 2016 621.34 KB
SASDE Report 27 Nov 2015 621.68 KB
SASDE Report 30 Oct 2015 618.70 KB
SASDE Report 5 Oct 2015 625.94 KB
Publication dates for 2015 285.57 KB
SASDE Report 28 August 2015 627.82 KB
SASDE Report July 2015 622.96 KB
SASDE Report 3 July 2015 519.54 KB
SASDE Report May 2015 518.70 KB
SASDE Report April 2015 (Corrections) 548.88 KB
SASDE Report 27 Mch 2015 507.23 KB
Relevancy and Accuracy of the SASDE Report on Wheat & Maize Mrch 2015 904.27 KB
SASDE Report Feb 2015 539.75 KB
SASDE Report 30 Jan 2015 489.79 KB
SASDE Report 13 Jan 2015 486.66 KB
SASDE Report 28 Nov 2014 479.73 KB
SASDE Report 31 Okt 2014 479.06 KB
SASDE Report 3 Okt 2014 458.07 KB
Publication dates for 2014 255.98 KB
SASDE Report 29 Aug 2014 506.68 KB
SASDE Report 1 Aug 2014 493.09 KB
SASDE Report June 2014 452.16 KB
SASDE REPORT 30 May 2014 435.36 KB
SASDE Report 25 April 2014 final 458.23 KB
SASDE Report 1 April 2014 635.17 KB
SASDE Report 4 March 2014 558.70 KB
SASDE REPORT 28 Nov 2013 372.67 KB
SASDE REPORT 29 October 2013 240.59 KB
Supply & Demand Estimates: 30 Sep 2013 241.30 KB
SASDE Report 29 August 2013 225.90 KB
SASDE REPORT 31 JULY 2013 243.71 KB
SASDE PRESS RELEASE 1 July 2013 668.91 KB
Advisory Opinion NAMC 8March2013 298.89 KB