How cassava can change the high feed cost burden in South Africa’s livestock sector
Cassava is a root vegetable with numerous uses both as food or a raw material for industrial purposes. From the animal feed perspective, cassava has been proven to be a cheaper and viable alternative that can replace maize at varying combinations without deleterious effects on both production and performance of livestock. Whereas no known empirical studies have been conducted in South Africa, rural communities in cassava producing communities of South Africa use cassava leaves, stems tubers & pellets to feed animals. Furthermore, existing evidence from other African countries presents opportunities to explore and learn some lessons. For instance, cassava has been successfully used in Ghana...
Cassava leaves as a vegetable
This is one of a series of video clips aiming to create awareness on the use cassava. Video clip 01 focuses on using cassava leaves as a vegetable.
Cassava Inception Workshop
The NAMC in partnership with other project collaborators, that is, FABCO Primary Cooperative Limited, Agricultural Research Council (ARC) and Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies (TIPS) held an inception workshop with a major aim of creating awareness among the various stakeholders in Tzaneen area about the 3-year socioeconomic cassava project. Holding of the inception workshop on September 2 was on purpose given that during the same week, the ARC initiated the commercialization of cassava program with the development of cassava nursery while FABCO launched a number of products designed to empower farmers. Each of the collaborating institution in this socioeconomic cassava project was well represented.