A circle has been completed with the addition of Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) and the Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECP) into the fray of Agricultural State Owned Entities (SEOs) Liaison Committee. Established in 2016, the objective of the committee is to collaborate on areas of mutual interest specifically on farmer development, research and promotion of agriculture as a whole.

The main purpose of the Research Symposium is to find common solutions to common challenges that plague the agricultural sector. The symposium is hosted against the background of interesting global developments such as Brexit and the worst drought in South Africa in 100 years. Through this collaboration, the three institutions seek to bring some of these developments into sharper focus and discuss research and policy solutions. Hence, the symposium gathers all stakeholders across the sector, banking, academia and farming associations to lend weight onthe current agricultural discourse.

It is anticipated that by the end of the Symposium, each of the three institutions will have concrete messages to take back as “homework” to integrate into respective annual strategic plans.


Land reform & agricultural support: research lessons for a high-performing agricultural sector.


Effective national agricultural support system towards a vibrant sector.